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My Order Won't Complete. Why Can't I Purchase on Your Website?

  • Audio Wizard
    Staff member
    Typically orders will not be completed due to information mismatch between what the credit card has on file and the information you entered. Another possibility is due to insufficient funds with the payment method you chose.
    We recommend reaching out to your bank to inquire about the reason why the payment didn’t go through. For security purposes, we do not have visibility into this information but your bank should be able to provide some insight.
    If you see funds that are pending in your account, they are only temporarily authorized. No funds have been removed from your account. The authorized funds are typically held in place for several business days before the authorized amount is released back to you.
    For example, with every credit card payment attempt, banks typically reserve the amount attempted, for each and every attempt. Therefore, if you try to purchase a $50 item, and you tried 4 times unsuccessfully, then a total of $200 is "authorized" and reserved by your bank so that you don’t overdraw funds. 
    Once you see the authorized funds return to your account, you can make another purchase attempt.

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