@3Dio Your answer was very thorough thank you! So now I understand that I should be recording audio and video separately. Would a program like OBS be able to achieve that?
@3Dio Your answer was very thorough thank you! So now I understand that I should be recording audio and video separately. Would a program like OBS be able to achieve that?
@3Dio Based on what you wrote about the H1N and the Scarlett 2i2 , it seems the H1N has the extra benefit of being portable whereas the Scarlett can only be used as an interface. It would seem tha...
will this work with a canon m50?
@3Dio If you connect the XLR to a camera using an 3.5mm adapter, would you lose the benefits of the better sound with the XLR?
@Eric Hanson Have you found any solution for this? I would like to record audio without purchasing anything extra and just recording directly into my m50 as well. Also if you plug the XLR ve...